The Best Folding Treadmills for Most People

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Having a folding treadmill at home makes it possible to have a quick workout when you have a few moments to spare.

Being able to workout regularly will result in a number of benefits to your health such as losing weight, improving cardiovascular fitness, boosting your metabolism and many more.

In this post we will be talking about folding treadmills. However, if space is extremely limited (for example you live in a flat or apartment) we would recommend a compact treadmill.

best folding treadmills

Folding Treadmills Save Room ‘at a Price’

However, the downside to having your own personal treadmill available when you want is that they can take up *a lot* of space, and aren’t always the easiest of things to move! One way of getting around this problem is to have the best folding treadmill.

This way you can reduce the footprint on the folding motorised treadmill while it is not being used and usually unfold it in a matter of seconds when you want to do your decent workout.

I have even seen some people position their machines in such a way that the front of the treadmill is in a wardrobe and then when its folded away you can shut the doors and the treadmill is out of sight.

One point to watch out for when buying the best foldable treadmill is that not all of them foldaway as well as you would expect.

In fact, the ‘better’ the treadmill the more space it takes up when folded away.

Let me explain – more expensive treadmills have a longer and wider running surface, bigger LCD displays, and are made of thicker metal. All of this adds up to more space required for storage, even when folded.

That said, some manufacturers are better than others in how they design the folding function on their treadmills.

JLL S300 Digital Folding Treadmill, 2024 New Generation Digital Control 4.5HP Motor, 20 Incline Levels, 0.3km/h - 16km/h, 15 Professional Programs, 2-Year Parts & Labour, 5-Year Motor Cover

JLL S300 Digital Treadmill


  • Max Speed: 16km/h
  • Display: Speed, Time, Heart Rate, Calories and 15 Programmes
  • Maximum User Weight: 120 kg
  • Running Deck: 1230 mm x 410
  • Folded Up Dimensions: 1000 (L) mm x 700 (W) mm x 1410 (H) mm
  • Incline: 20 level incline (12%)

As you may be able to see from the picture this particular treadmill wouldn’t look too out of place in a commercial gym. This is a compact folding treadmill that is built to a high-quality finish with a sturdy design and offers a smooth/ quiet run being powered by a strong motor that has a 5-year warranty just in case something did happen to go wrong with it.

Compared to some of the cheaper fold away treadmill it is nice to have an auto incline especially when it has 20 levels ranging up to 12% which makes it possible to find the perfect angle that suits you.

My only slight niggle with this folding treadmill with incline is that, although it is a foldable treadmill its length is still 1000 mm once folded, however despite that I do still believe it is a fantastic folding treadmill as it is rare to find an almost commercial spec treadmill that is foldable.

FIT4HOME Electric Treadmill Folding Running Walking Machine Black JK06

Fit4Home X-Lite II


  • Running area – 1100 x 400 mm
  • Incline: 3 levels manual incline
  • 12 Preset programs
  • Setup dimensions – 1410 X 680 X 1250 mm
  • Folded dimensions – 1500 x 300 x 600 mm
  • Motor power – 1.5HP
  • Max User weight: 110 KGS

Weighing just 28KG, this model folds and is easy to transport thanks to the lower wheels. There is even a safety lock feature, so you can confidently store this model upright.

The main console is easy to read and settings are a breeze to adjust. There is a safety clip to ensure that if you fall, the belt shuts off. On the right and left of the display, you’ll find drink holders to hold your water.

Another feature you’ll notice is that to the right and left of the display are two speakers. You can easily connect your iPhone or MP3 player to this treadmill and utilize the Hi-Fi speakers, so you can breeze through your workout while listening to your favourite hits.

One thing that you’ll rarely find that X-Lite has offered is a free e-book for running, weight loss and more. This ensures that a novice or first-time runner knows exactly how to maximize their results.

Sturdy and reliable, the 12km/h speeds are very hard to obtain, the 12-preprogrammed training options range from extremely fit to the first-time user, and the 3 incline levels are more than sufficient. When you’re done, this model folds up so small that it barely takes up any space.

HOMCOM Electric Motorized Treadmill Walking Machine Foldable - 0.5hp | 1 to 6 km/h | Indoor Fitness Exercise Gym w/Remote Control

HOMCOM Motorised Electric Treadmill


  • Maximum Speed 6 km/h
  • Display: Speed, Time, Distance, Calories and 8 programmes
  • Maximum User Weight: 90 kg
  • Running Deck: 800 mm x 350 mm
  • Folded Up Dimensions: 1050mm (H) x 540mm (W) x 150mm (D)
  • Incline: Fixed 5%

The first thing I noticed about this electric folding treadmill when it arrived was all that I had to do was screw on the handles and LCD display which only takes a couple of minutes to do. Then simply plug it in and off you go.

It still only has a top speed of 10km/h so I would recommend this product to anyone who is looking to lose a few extra pounds with beginner to intermediate workouts.

This model has been designed so that it does go vertically when folded and the depth of it is just the handlebars and could be mistaken for an over-sized ironing board in the room. This makes it one of the best treadmills to add to your home gym as it could virtually fit into a cupboard.

Folding Treadmill Buying Guide, FAQ & Expert Insights

Key Features of Folding Treadmills

Ultimately the size versus quality is the main decision you will need to make when deciding on a folding treadmill.

Like with commercial-grade fold up treadmill you can still get all the impressive features you would want such as power incline, bluetooth connectivity, tablet holder, large LCD console, heart rate sensors and varying sizes of the running deck.

Obviously, it depends on how much you are willing to spend to the level of features you receive. With this in mind, I’ve reviewed the treadmills that I deem to have great value for money as well as taking up as little space as possible when folded away.

Of course, there are plenty of other options you should be aware of when choosing your folding running machine.

  • What is the maximum speed of the treadmill? You may not be breaking any speed records in the near future, but you want it to be able to go fast enough for your needs.
  • How much weight can the treadmill support? If other people are going to be using the treadmill, you want it to be able to hold up to everyone’s weight.
  • Does it have suitable incline? Incline will make the workouts even tougher.
  • How long and wide is the running deck? Treadmills that aren’t commercial grade have shorter running decks in general. Find a folding treadmill that will work best for your stride.
  • What is the length of the warranty? If something does go wrong, you want to be covered.
  • Is there a heart rate monitor built into it? You want to be sure you are in the cardio zone for maximum benefits.
  • Does the folding treadmill have training programs to choose from? You can always set your own speed, incline, and time, but picking out a training program will add variety as well.
  • Do you want the fancy electronics such as the big LED screen and the ability to plug straight into your phone?  Everybody loves a gadget.

All of these key features can be available on folding treadmills. Obviously, it depends on how much you are willing to spend to the level of features you receive.

Benefits for Training More Frequently on Your Treadmill

The number one killer around the globe is heart disease. This is usually brought on from a sedentary lifestyle (too much time on the couch) and a poor diet. By using your treadmill frequently, you are limiting your chances of having cardiovascular problems now and later on in life.

Moreover, with a continuous treadmill workout program, you will notice the fat flying off of you as calories are being burnt during your workout and even a couple of hours after. That’s right. The afterburn effect is a real thing and soon enough you will be able to fit again in those clothes that have been pushed to the back of the closet. On top of this, there are plenty more benefits to be aware of.


How Much Space Is Available in Your Home?

Next, you should look at the amount of room you have in your home to place the treadmill. Foldable treadmills are very popular for the home since when they are not in use, you can easily fold them up and store them out of the way.

This means your spare bedroom could remain your spare bedroom, just with a folded treadmill off in the corner. These are portable treadmill which do not really take up much room.

  • Folding treadmills are about three and a half feet in length.
  • They are about four feet in height.
  • And when folded up, they only take about two to three square feet in space and can be tucked away in the corner, stored in the closet, or even underneath a bed.

You can reduce the footprint on the treadmill while it is not being used and usually unfold it in a matter of seconds when you want to do your workout.

What Should Your Budget Be?

Perhaps you should consider how much money you will save by no longer having to go to the gym and this could be a nice starting point. Essentially, its an investment in yourself. And since treadmills nowadays are built to last, a quality one could last you ten years. This should factor into how much you are willing to spend as well.

What should I look for in terms of build quality?

When looking for a treadmill, it’s important to consider the build quality. A well-made treadmill will have a stable frame, quiet motors, and durable belts. Finding a model with safety features such as an emergency stop button and locking side rails is also important.

How Do You Best Maintain a Folding Treadmill?

There is very little maintenance needed to maintain a folding treadmill so it operates perfectly. In fact, the booklet that comes with the treadmill should detail exactly what you need to do. However, if you are one to skip reading all instructions (guilty), here is a brief rundown.

  • Keep your treadmill lubricated. This most likely will just have you spraying a silicone spray underneath the belt to do away with any wear and tear that might occur from friction.
  • Vacuum the treadmill now and then. It would be wise to vacuum up any debris or dust to keep it working optimally.
  • Wipe down the treadmill after every time you use it. Have a spray bottle handy so if anyone else is using it, too, they can keep it disinfected as well.
  • Make certain the walking/running belt is centred and aligned otherwise the wear and tear on the belt will happen much quicker.
  • Keep a mat underneath the treadmill so it doesn’t happen to slide across your floors as you are in the middle of training.

Folding or Non-Folding Treadmills?

After you shop around and read every available review possible, you may just choose to go with a stationary, non-folding treadmill. Maybe even an under desk treadmill. The choice is yours. However, there are trade-offs to non-folding treadmills to be aware of.

  • Non-folding treadmills are usually considerably heavier. You may have to talk a few friends into helping you move it to where you want. And once it is there, it’s there for the long run (pun intended).
  • The running surface is usually a bit longer and wider for non-foldable treadmills. This means you will have more room on the belt to change your stride if needed.
  • Is the price more or less? It all depends on the options you are choosing!

Take the Plunge

best folding treadmill

Once you get your new home treadmill in place, you will wonder how you ever lived without it. The amount of training you will be able to do in the peace and quiet of your own home should become part of your everyday lifestyle. No longer will you have to battle traffic to get to the gym. Just take a few steps and you are ready for your treadmill workout!

Are Compact Treadmills Good?

If you have extremely limited space or are looking forward to saving some space, Compact treadmills are a viable option. However, they may not be as powerful as a full-sized treadmill. Still, many compact treadmills are suitable to fit your cardio routine at home, especially if you aren’t into serious or vigorous running.

Better still, some compact treadmills offer you almost the same features as full-sized treadmills—built-in speakers, range of speed, and even preset workout programs. For instance, the Sportstech F10 Treadmill is an excellent value for your money and full of spectacular features.

If you invest in a good quality compact treadmill, the equipment can last many years and fulfill your fitness needs.

Is There Such a Thing as a Small Treadmill?

Treadmills can vary in size. Other than the full-sized treadmills, compact treadmills and folding treadmills can be considered small treadmills. Of course, small treadmills might not offer the qualities of a full-sized treadmill or an ideal option if you are a committed runner, but still, they can accommodate joggers of various sizes and heights.

Moreover, they are suitable for most runners with limited spacings and cramped spaces. For instance, most small treadmills are foldable after every workout session. Better still, one can painlessly move small treadmills to different rooms, unlike the full-sized treadmills.

Is There a Portable Treadmill?

Yes. Portable treadmills do exist. They are a perfect option for exercise enthusiasts who are always on the road. Still, if you have limited spacing, they can work just fine. In addition, a portable treadmill should be easy to fold and shouldn’t take a lot of space.

This way, you can store it under the bed or even the back seat of your car during travels. Also, most portable treadmills have retractable wheels.

Portable treadmills might cost less than full-sized treadmills. Its motors are not so powerful and may not be viable for dedicated runners or highly overweight individuals. Still, if you are considering getting a portable treadmill, go for one with a rigid frame and hydraulics and avoid the low-end products.

Where Should I Put My Treadmill in my Small Apartment?

Most importantly, a folding treadmill can be a lifesaver if you have a small apartment. Folding models don’t take much space when not in use. Some treadmills fold flat, and you can place them under your bed after use.

Other models fold vertically (a little heavier, larger and better) and require a minimal footprint on your floor space. For example, you can place them in the living room and conceal it under a pretty cloth cover. Or, it can lean against one corner of your living room. When using the treadmill, you can push the bed to one side and make room for the treadmill.

If you are in the market for a best folding treadmill in UK, this article has helped narrow your search. Any treadmills on our list would be an excellent purchase and will provide you with all the benefits of many years of quality use. Consider your needs and preferences when deciding, as not all treadmills are created equal. Happy running!

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Last update on 2024-05-07 / Amazon Product Advertising API

Ryan is a journalist, educator, and health and fitness trainer that currently makes his home in Illinois. With a Master’s in Reading and Literacy and award-winning personal training results with his fitness clients, he is still reminded daily that he is not a doctor like his wife Katie. Ryan enjoys spending time with his daughter Ellie, dogs Flair and Smoosh, and kitten Charlotte. In his free moments, he likes to write books for children that will hopefully be on shelves in the near future.
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