Unleash the Power of Walking: The Ultimate Guide to Maximising Walking Calorie Burn

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Are you underestimating the power of a simple walk? Think again! Walking is more than just a basic means of transportation; it’s an incredibly efficient, low-impact exercise that can help you burn calories and move towards your fitness goals.

This comprehensive walking calorie burn guide will open your eyes to the real calorie-burning potential of walking, addressing the science behind it, the factors that influence it, and how you can enhance it. So, put on your walking shoes, and let’s embark on the journey to healthier living, one step at a time!

Understanding Calories


What are Calories?

Very simply, calories are nothing but a measure of energy. Just like a car needs petrol, your body needs calories to function. The foods and drinks you consume provide the body with these energy units.

How does the body burn calories?

Your body constantly burns calories to provide energy for various processes, like breathing, circulating blood, and cell production. Even at rest, these functions continue, termed as the basal metabolic rate (BMR). Physical activity increases calorie burn, as muscles demand more energy to move.

The Impact of Walking on Calorie Burn: A Simple Path to Fitness

Walking is a natural, low-impact exercise suitable for all ages and fitness levels. It’s simple, cost-free, and a great way to start an exercise routine. But did you know walking also plays a vital role in burning calories?

Basics of Walking: A Gateway to Exercise

Walking, as an exercise, may seem incredibly simple, but it’s this simplicity that makes it a universally accessible form of physical activity. It doesn’t require special equipment or training and can be easily incorporated into everyday life. Walking is an excellent starting point for those new to exercise, and equally beneficial for the seasoned fitness enthusiast.

But how does this basic form of movement transform into a calorie-burning exercise? It all comes down to energy expenditure. When you walk, multiple muscles in your body – like your calves, glutes, hamstrings, core, and even arm muscles – swing into action. This muscle activity requires energy, which is provided by burning calories.

The Influence of Body Weight and Pace on Calorie Burn

When you walk, you’re not just moving forward; you’re also carrying your body weight. This added ‘weight’ means your body has to work a little harder than it would if you were weightless. As a result, more calories are burned compared to a state of rest. The pace of your walk can also influence calorie burn. A leisurely stroll will burn fewer calories than a brisk walk, which demands more energy. That’s because increasing your walking speed will require greater effort from your muscles and consequently more calories to be burned.

Walking Surfaces and Their Impact on Calorie Burn

Even your walking surface plays a part. Walking on an uneven trail or uphill increases resistance, making your body work harder and leading to a higher calorie burn than walking on a flat, smooth surface. That is one of the many reasons why treadmills are so popular with people who are interested in low impact exercise, because of their smooth treadmill belts.

Factors influencing calorie burn in walking

  • Age, weight, and fitness level: The calorie burn from walking varies based on factors like age, weight, and fitness level of average person. Generally, a heavier person will burn more calories walking the same distance as a lighter person. As you age or improve fitness levels, your body becomes more efficient and burns fewer calories for the same activity.
  • Terrain, speed, and distance: Walking uphill or at a faster pace can burn more calories. The more challenging the terrain and the longer the walking distance, the more calories you burn. So, why not switch your walk in the park to a hike?

Treadmills: A Valuable Tool for Maximising Calorie Burn

walking calorie burn

Treadmills have become a staple in many home and commercial gyms for good reason. These versatile machines offer an effective way to increase your calorie burn while walking, making them a valuable tool in your fitness arsenal.

Treadmills offer a controlled, convenient, and flexible way to boost the calorie-burning power of walking. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced walker, incorporating treadmill walks into your fitness regimen can help you step up your calorie-burning game. Check out our guide to find the best treadmill for walking!

Control over Speed and Incline

One of the greatest advantages of a treadmill is the control it offers over your walking speed and incline. You can easily adjust these settings to simulate various walking conditions, such as brisk walks or uphill hikes, which can intensify your workout and consequently increase calorie burn. Walking uphill, for instance, adds resistance, making your muscles work harder and leading to a higher calorie expenditure.

Consistent Indoor Walking

Treadmills offer the convenience of walking indoors, eliminating concerns about weather conditions, air quality, or safety that may deter some from outdoor walks. This means you can maintain consistency in your walking routine, a key aspect of achieving your calorie-burn and fitness objectives, whether you are using a standing desk treadmill during work or getting in a morning walk before the day begins.

Incorporating High-Intensity Intervals

Treadmills are excellent for incorporating high-intensity interval training (HIIT) into your walking workouts. HIIT involves alternating between high-intensity and low-intensity exercise periods, which can effectively enhance calorie burn. For example, you could alternate between two minutes of brisk walking and one minute of high-speed walking or jogging.

Walking Calorie Burn: The Science

friends walking

The Physiology of Walking and Calorie Burn

Walking engages several muscle groups, leading to higher energy expenditure and more calorie burn.

Metabolism during walking

During a brisk walk, your body’s metabolism increases, burning more calories for energy. Plus, walking can help boost your metabolic rate even after you’ve finished.

The after-burn effect

Walking, especially brisk walking, can stimulate the ‘after-burn effect’, where your body continues to burn calories even after the exercise session.

Converting Walking into Calorie Burn

How to calculate walking calorie burn

The number of calories you burn while walking is influenced by several factors, including your body weight, walking speed, the distance you cover, and the terrain you walk on. To get a more accurate picture of the calories burned during walking, we use the Metabolic Equivalent of Task (MET) concept.

The MET represents the amount of energy an activity burns compared to being at rest. For example, sitting quietly is equivalent to 1 MET, whereas walking briskly might be around 3-4 METs, meaning you’re burning three to four times more calories than you would be if you were sitting still.

To calculate the calories burned, you’ll need to know your weight in kilograms, the duration of your walk in hours, and the MET value of the walking activity. Here’s the formula:

Calories burned = MET value of walking bodyweight in kg duration in hours

For instance, if you weigh 70 kg, walk for an hour (1 hour), and your walking pace is brisk (let’s assume a MET value of 3.5), you would burn approximately 245 calories. Please note, this calculation provides a rough estimate. Actual calories burned can vary based on factors like your age, sex, muscle mass, and metabolism rate.

Tools and applications

If you’re looking for more accuracy, consider using a wearable fitness tracker, an online calorie burn calculator or a mobile application designed to track physical activities. These tools often use algorithms that consider multiple personal and activity-specific parameters, giving you a more tailored estimate of your calorie burn.

The Health Benefits of Walking

Physical benefits

Regular walking can help manage weight, strengthen your heart, boost muscle endurance, and enhance balance and coordination. It’s not just a walking workout all about calorie burn!

Mental health benefits

Walking can also provide mental health benefits. It helps reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance creativity.


walking on treadmill

Walking can be an effective way to burn calories, and it’s a low-impact activity suitable for most people. While many factors influence the actual calorie burn, making small changes like increasing pace, duration, or walking uphill can make a noticeable difference. So, the next time you underestimate the power of a good walk, remember that every step is a step closer to better health and well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many calories does walking burn?

The number of calories burned while walking depends on many factors such as your weight, walking speed, distance covered, and terrain.

Can I lose weight by walking?

Yes, walking can contribute to weight loss when combined with a balanced diet. It helps burn calories and can improve your metabolism.

How can I increase my calorie burn while walking?

Increasing your walking speed, distance, or intensity can help burn more calories. Walking uphill or adding intervals can also increase calorie burn.

Is walking enough to maintain fitness?

While walking is a great start and beneficial for overall health, incorporating other types of exercises such as strength training can provide comprehensive health benefits.

I'm Jamie and I test out new models in sports retailers, or buy and sell them new or second hand so I can review a wide range of models and put together the best advise on which treadmill is right for you. So if you are looking for a cheap treadmill for walking, a gym quality treadmill to run sprints, or something in-between I can point you in the right direction.
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